Bogor, W. Java, (ANTARA News) - Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution on Wednesday launched a program to develop "Santripreneurs" and Young Farmers at the Islamic Boarding School of Pemberdayaan Umat, of the Foundation of Jam`iatul Hidayah, in Ciampea, Bogor district.

Development of Santripreneurs and Young Farmers is part of the program of economic partnership of the Muslim community initiated by the state-owned Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB) in tandem with the Medco Foundation under business tycoon Arifin Panigoro, and the Office of the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs backed up by the national banking institution.

Darmin said the program to develop santri (students of Pesantren) and young farmers contributes to the vision of equitable economic development to cope with lopsidedness in the farm sector.

"This program will help development of the potentials of Pesantrens which have business potential mainly in the farm, plantation and animal husbandry sectors," he said.

Acting Rector of IPB Prof. Agus Purwito said the farm sector still is facing a number of challenges amid the many opportunities Indonesia has such as demographic bonus, large labor forces, Industrial Revolution 4.0 and potentials as a world economic power.

The challenges include the fact that farmers make up 46.2 percent of the lowest income Indonesians, the declining number of farm households by 16.3 percent in the last decade, and low interest of young Indonesians in farming.

Agus said IPB has determined a vision to make campus of `techno-socio entrepreneurial university` in the front line in strengthening the dignity of the nation through high level education in the farm, marine, tropical bio-science.

"One of the goals is to turn out skilled techno-sociopreneurs who are expected to be able to lead and drive the Indonesian economy," Agus said.

Meanwhile, Madco Foundation founder Arifin Panigoro said the Pesantren of Jam`iyyatul Hidayah has been chosen to be the place to launch the program to develop santripreneurs and young farmers as the Pesantren is more complete and more prepared in equipment, facilities and infrastructure.

"This place is complete having two training centers for santripreneurs," Panigoro said, adding the land is wide, there is ponds and animal husbandry.

The program to develop santripreneurs and young farmers also contributes to the government`s program in West Java - `one village one company` and one pesantren one product`.

"The West Java administration encourages santris to serve as agents of change to develop the farm sector," West Java regional administration secretary Iwa Karniwa said.

Reporting by Laily Rahmawaty, A Saragih
Editing by Sri Haryati

Reporter: Antara
Editor: Fardah Assegaf
Copyright © ANTARA 2018