Jakarta (ANTARA) - State-owned courier and logistics company PT Pos Indonesia has succeeded in inviting 1.5 million Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to join the Pos Aja digital platform as of July 2023.

"We have 1.5 million MSME users. We are pushing the MSME population to three million this year," Pos Indonesia Director of Courier and Logistics Business Siti Choirina told ANTARA in Jakarta on Monday (July 31).

MSME players, who have joined, have various businesses, ranging from culinary to fashion and craft products, which are dominated by actors in Java.

Choirina said that Pos Indonesia, as the oldest logistics service provider in Indonesia, is keen that MSMEs adopt a digital service called Pos Aja to enable them to upgrade their grades more quickly.

She revealed that the company also has a champion team whose job is to approach MSME actors.

The team and several related parties were tasked with providing training on online sales, starting from how to transact in e-commerce, marketing products, and managing halal certificates.

"We help take care of halal certificates because we have ULBI (University of Logistics and International Business), which also functions to issue halal certification. It can be helped until a certificate is issued,” she said.

Pos Indonesia also offers warehouse services as a solution for MSMEs encountering difficulty in organizing their products, as they do not have a special warehouse at home.

"When they use warehouse services from Pos Indonesia, we make sure the products are safe, and the quality is maintained. This also makes it easier for MSMEs to make deliveries when there are orders sent directly from our warehouse," she explained.

She noted that Pos Indonesia, through Pos Aja, helped prepare MSME actors to be able to target the international market.

Pos Indonesia, by utilizing hundreds of its overseas hubs that are integrated with 228 countries, provides special training for MSMEs to better understand international trade rules.

"If no one teaches them, they feel complicated. For example, sending abon (shredded and fried meat) has various ingredients. You have to state what kind of abon it is because in some countries there are those who refuse imports of processed fish and so on," she explained.

Related news: Pos Indonesia to provide courier, logistics hub services in IKN

Related news: Pos Indonesia lends logistical support to MSMEs under govt guidance

Translator: Kuntum Khaira, Azis Kurmala
Editor: Tia Mutiasari
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