Sugiatno also asked bus service users to check the bus roadworthiness at the government's MitraDarat application beforehand to ensure security and safety during the trip.
Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Transportation Ministry's Director General of Land Transportation Hendro Sugiatno asked all people to criticize and refuse buses that do not have roadworthiness permit.

"The community must refuse, for example, saying they do not want to ride this bus (because there is no permit and roadworthiness certificate)," Sugiatno said when contacted by ANTARA from here on Sunday.

If using the bus transportation service, he asked travelers to ensure that the bus is new and has undergone the vehicle safety test.

Therefore, Sugiatno also asked bus service users to check the bus roadworthiness at the government's MitraDarat application beforehand to ensure security and safety during the trip.

"And I also appeal to the community if you are about to ride a tour bus, check the vehicle safety test properly, whether is it available. If there is none, tell the bus service provider that it is not fit for operation," he said.

According to him, a vehicle that is in good condition will provide more comfort for the passengers during the trip. By conducting safety test beforehand, vehicle owners can ensure that their vehicles are ready to travel long distances without worrying technical problems.

The vehicle safety test is carried out to ensure that all critical components such as brakes, lights, tires, and the steering system are functioning properly.

He said that conducting safety test beforehand helps prevent accidents caused by mechanical or technical failures.

He added, whether or not a vehicle is feasible will be seen from its transportation operational permit and the certificate of passing the safety test.

In addition, he hoped that the public will be more aware of vehicles that are not roadworthy, so that the incident in Subang, West Java, involving a tourist bus carrying a group of students, will not happen again.

Related news: Ministry asks bus operators to conduct routine roadworthiness tests
Related news: Bus accident in West Java kills 11, injures dozens

Translator: M Harianto, Kenzu
Editor: Arie Novarina
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