Sleman, Yogyakarta (ANTARA) - Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs, Saiful Rahmat Dasuki, and Sleman district head Kustini Sri Purnomo on Saturday sent off the 50 SOC batch of Hajj pilgrims from Sleman, Yogyakarta.

A total of 353 pilgrims from Sleman district made their departure from the Great Mosque of Dr. Wahidin Soedirohoesodo.

Purnomo asked the Hajj pilgrims to look after their health so that they could carry out Hajj worship without difficulty.

She also advised them to take care of each other and uphold the good name of Sleman district in the Holy Land.

"We congratulate ladies and gentlemen to be able to perform Hajj. Don't forget to recite Talbiyah as much as possible and take care of your health. God willing, all pilgrims from Sleman are given safety, blessings, and become an Mabroor (accepted) Hajj," she said.

Deputy Minister Dasuki also advised all pilgrims to maintain decorum as the guests of God.

He urged pilgrims to not hesitate to ask Hajj officers for help if they encounter problems.

"Please do not hesitate to convey your complaints or wishes as needed. Because our Hajj officers have been prepared to accompany the ladies and gentlemen. They are there in order to take care of all the pilgrims and realize a smooth Hajj pilgrimage," he said.

He also praised the Sleman district government's initiative to hold a joint prayer for smooth Hajj worship in the Holy Land.

"We hope that all pilgrims from Sleman will have a smooth trip until they return to the country," he said.

Meanwhile, the 54 SOC batch from Sleman will depart on Sunday (May 26, 2024) from the Great Mosque of Wahidin Soedirohoesodo.

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Translator: Victorianus P, Kenzu
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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