Jakarta (ANTARA) - Legislator Mustafa Kamal on Wednesday urged the government to ensure that the majors offered by vocational high schools are tailored to the needs of industries.

Adjusting majors to the needs of industries is essential to ensure the maximum absorption of graduates in industries, lowering the number of unemployed in the country, he said.

He also underscored the difference between regular and vocational schools, saying that vocational high school graduates are more dependent on their ability to adapt to developing technology.

"To this end, there must be a link-and-match with the world of industry. Do not let mismatches occur," Kamal said in a video broadcast on the TVR Parlemen YouTube channel.

Manpower Minister Ida Fauziyah earlier said that one of the causes behind the high rate of unemployment in the country, especially among Generation Z, is the mismatch between education and the demands of the job market.

Vocational high school graduates are the biggest contributors to the unemployment rate, with around 8.9 percent, she said.

"This occurs because of a mismatch," she said.

To address this problem, the government has issued a presidential regulation on the revitalization of vocational education and training. The regulation stipulates that education and training must meet the needs of the business and industrial world.

Fauziyah said that the regulation also encourages synergy between the relevant stakeholders to provide a competent workforce to meet the dynamic job market needs.

Related news: Government focusing on revitalizing vocational education
Related news: Manpower Minister urges training centers to bridge job gap

Translator: Tri Meilani, Raka Adji
Editor: Anton Santoso
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