Jakarta (ANTARA) - Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi paid a courtesy visit to Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday.

During the visit, Marsudi conveyed President Joko Widodo's greetings to PM Anwar.

"This visit also aims to prepare (for) the annual meeting between the two leaders in 2024, which will be hosted by Indonesia," she informed in a statement released by her office.

Marsudi also provided an update on the progress of land border negotiations between Indonesia and Malaysia with the completion of negotiations on two land segments, namely on Sebatik Island and Sinapad-Sesai.

Both parties will state this in a memorandum of understanding (MoU).

In relation to land borders, especially in the AA-2 West Pillar segment on Sebatik Island, Marsudi said that the technical process has been completed and has reached the final stage.

Next, the two countries will prepare a field plan, which will be used as an attachment to the MoU.

She expressed the hope that the land border negotiations would be completed ahead of the meeting of the two leaders this year.

"Meanwhile, for maritime boundary negotiations, a stronger commitment is needed for good results in negotiations. It should also be mutually beneficial for both parties," the minister added.

During the meeting, Marsudi also discussed developments in the Gaza Strip.

"Indonesia and Malaysia have the same position in defending justice and humanity for the Palestinian people," she said.

Earlier, PM Anwar said that Malaysia was willing to cooperate with Indonesia, including sending a joint peacekeeping force to Gaza, if mandated by the UN.

"Regarding the humanitarian situation in Palestine, I convey Malaysia's willingness to cooperate, including by deploying peacekeeping troops with Indonesia if mandated by the UN," he wrote on his social media account, which was accessed on July 1, 2024.

He also conveyed this willingness during a telephone conversation with Defense Minister and President-elect Prabowo Subianto.

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Translator: Yashinta Difa P, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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