Jakarta (ANTARA) - The National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT) made building national resilience, starting from the community and family, one of the focuses of the second period of the National Action Plan for Extremism Prevention and Handling.

"This theme is based on the idea that families and communities have a central role in protecting their respective members against violent extremism threats," BNPT's Director of Protection Imam Margono stated at a discussion event in Jakarta on Thursday, as quoted from a BNPT statement.

He expressed hope that collaboration between ministries, agencies, and local community organizations in providing constructive inputs can provide a clear vision of the action that the BNPT will take through the Joint Secretariat of the National Action Plan for Extremism Prevention and Handling in 2025-2029.

According to Margono, one of the examples of community resilience programs for the younger generation that has been implemented is the Peaceful School program, specifically for high schools and vocational high schools in the country, to develop a culture of tolerance in the school environment.

On the same occasion, Acting Executive Director of Wahid Foundation Siti Kholisoh noted that the Peaceful School program is a model of a long-term program to strengthen community resilience against intolerance.

Nevertheless, she highlighted the need to observe communities' needs before the second period of the National Action Plan for Extremism Prevention and Handling in 2025-2029.

"We need to explore and observe the fundamental needs of the communities because each community has distinctive needs," she remarked.

Representatives from several ministries, such as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, the Ministry of Religious Affairs, and the Ministry of Home Affairs, attended Thursday's discussion event.

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Translator: Agatha Olivia, Raka Adji
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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