Bogor, West Java (ANTARA) - ANTARA News Agency's Director of Finance and Risk Management Nina Kurnia Dewi spoke at length about the implementation of the Family-Friendly Work (PRK) policy in various State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs).

Dewi became a speaker at the national seminar, themed "The Urgency and Challenges of The PRK Implementation," held by the National Coalition for the Protection of Indonesian Families at the Bogor City Library Auditorium here on Thursday.

Dewi drew attention to the high level of concern harbored by SOEs as business entities about continuing to deliver excellent performance, though they must not forget their human resources.

"SOE employees are expected to continue to work, and their families are actually the point or the goal in their work," she remarked.

She underscored the importance of SOEs implementing policies that can create a respectful and friendly environment for employees.

According to Dewi, companies must ensure the employees' mental and physical well-being and a work-life balance so they can function optimally.

"The PRK policy can make SOEs companies that are family-friendly. Of course, we must comply with the work-from-home and work-from-office policies," she emphasized.

She highlighted that ANTARA has had a telemedicine service in place since the COVID-19 pandemic, where employees can consult with doctors provided by the company online before visiting a clinic or hospital.

Meanwhile, on July 23, National Children's Day, the company's human resources and news departments invited some of the employees' children to visit the office.

"We showed how their father and mother were working, and they played (the part of) little journalists. This showed the employees that their company pays attention to their children," Dewi stated.

Furthermore, a union of the employees' wives is in place, and health benefits are available to the employees and their families.

"This family-friendly (policy) is a must. There is also a benefit from the government, which is the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (social security)," she remarked.

Related news: Manpower Minister, ILO discuss realization of decent work program
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Translator: Shabrina, Kenzu
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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