IKN (ANTARA) - A medical team will monitor the risk of people experiencing heatstroke during the Seconds of the Independence Proclamation Ceremony at the Nusantara capital city (IKN) on August 17, 2024.

"Considering that the weather is unstable, hot, and cold, we have been asked to watch out for some health problem cases, such as heatstroke," medical team coordinator at Kemenko Post 1, Adam Kristy, told ANTARA here on Thursday.

According to him, as the ceremony will take place between 5:10 a.m. local time and noon, people may experience heatstroke.

"Being that long under the hot sun, we need to be careful," he said.

He informed that the medical team has been instructed to watch out for people experiencing health problems during the ceremony.

In addition to heatstroke, the medical team will anticipate acute respiratory infections (ARI) caused by construction dust, as well as insect bites since the new capital is filled with plants.

"There are already ARI cases. I cannot reveal the record, but the most cases are ARI at this point," he said.

According to him, the ARI cases have emerged because IKN is still in the construction stage. Hence, people need to anticipate dust from vehicle traffic and construction work in the city, he explained.

He further said that the medical team, which is spread across five posts and one VVIP post in the Ring 1 area of the Presidential Palace, has prepared medicines for anticipating possible health issues.

"We are prioritizing (to anticipate) heatstroke cases (by preparing) medical drugs. For cooling, we have air conditioning and cooling patch. Everything is supplied by the State Secretariat," he added.

He said that his side has also prepared some drugs to treat insect bites.

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Translator: Rangga J, Kenzu
Editor: Azis Kurmala
Copyright © ANTARA 2024