Jakarta (ANTARA) - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Hadi Tjahjanto assured that the Implementing Committee of Presidential Regulation No. 32 of 2024 on Publisher Rights operates independently in carrying out its duties.

"I emphasize again that there is no government dominance in this committee, so it can perform its duties independently," he remarked on Friday.

The regulation outlines the responsibility of digital platforms to support quality journalism. Article 3 of the regulation details the establishment of cooperation between digital platform companies and press companies.

Furthermore, Article 7 describes the mechanisms and forms of cooperation to ensure fairness and balance between the two parties.

A committee involving the Press Council, the government, and digital platform experts was formed to oversee the implementation of this regulation.

Tjahjanto noted that the digital platform experts were appointed by the minister who coordinates political, legal, and security affairs in accordance with the regulation.

However, he clarified that the appointment process was not conducted solely by him but also involved consultations with the Press Council.

He expressed optimism that, with high dedication, this committee will contribute significantly to the sustainability of the national press amid increasingly complex disruptions in the information and communication fields.

"I believe that with dedication and integrity, the committee members will work professionally and are highly committed to making the best contribution to the sustainability of our national press," he stated.

The regulation, signed by President Joko Widodo on February 20, makes Indonesia one of the countries to have a specific regulation governing digital platform companies to support quality journalism.

Tjahjanto affirmed that the regulation is a manifestation of the government's commitment to supporting the national press amid rapid developments in digital technology.

Related news: No media representatives on publisher rights committee: Press Council
Related news: Press freedom protected in new publisher rights regulation: Official

Translator: Fathur R, Kenzu
Editor: Anton Santoso
Copyright © ANTARA 2024