Jepara, Central Java (ANTARA) - The woodcarving art of Macan Kurung and the Barikan Karimunjawa tradition from Jepara, Central Java, have been designated as intangible cultural heritage (WBTB) of Indonesia this year.

"The designation was finalized during a session held by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology from August 20–22, 2024," said Lia Supardianik, the sub-coordinator of archaeological history with the Jepara Tourism and Culture Service, on Saturday.

During the session, the Jepara Tourism and Culture Service also introduced two speakers: Kusharyadi, who spoke about Macan Kurung, and Arif Setiawan, the head of Karimunjawa village, who spoke about Barikan Karimunjawa.

In addition to Macan Kurung and Barikan Karimunjawa, Jepara also added other cultural works to the WBTB list, including the carving art, the Lomban cultural event, the torch war, Troso weaving, and Emprak traditional dance.

Macan Kurung sculptures are not produced in other parts of Indonesia, making them highly valuable, Supardianik said.

Meanwhile, the Barikan Karimunjawa tradition represents the diversity of ethnic groups inhabiting Karimunjawa, she added.

"This shows that Jepara is rich in noble cultural works that are recognized nationally," she said.

She also mentioned that her office proposes several cultural works and activities for WBTB Indonesia designation every year.

"Praise God, this year, the cultural works of Macan Kurung and Barikan Karimunjawa were successfully chosen," she said. "We hope more Jepara cultural works will be recognized as WBTB Indonesia in the future."

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Translator: Akhmad Nazaruddin, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Anton Santoso
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