Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung (ANTARA) - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin has said he hopes that the next central government will continue to implement the presidential instruction on regional roads since the program can empower the community.

"This is the government's commitment, which I expect to be passed on to the next administration. This commitment empowers the community with equal welfare at regions," he said.

Speaking during the inauguration of renovated Toboali Market in South Bangka District, Bangka Belitung Province, on Tuesday, he emphasized that the government is not only committed to building toll roads but also roads for the people that connect one region with another.

In addition, the government is building and revitalizing traditional markets to increase the income of small and medium traders as well as empower the community's economy, he added.

"The presidential instruction on regional roads connects one region to another. The traditional market revitalization is also related to the community. I am delighted to officiate this project," Amin remarked.

On the occasion, he also initiated the implementation of the presidential instruction on 82 kilometers of regional roads at nine locations in Bangka Belitung province.

Through Presidential Instruction Number 3 of 2023, the government allocated Rp14.6 trillion (USD915 million) in 2023 and Rp15 trillion (USD940 million) in 2024 for regional road repairs.

The allocation includes Rp301.3 billion for the construction of regional roads in Bangka Belitung, comprising 82 kilometers of road sections in five districts.

In addition, over the past six years, the government has built and renovated 62 traditional markets in 53 districts/cities spread across 21 provinces.

These efforts demonstrate the government's commitment to supporting regional economic development.

Related news: Jokowi officiates 147 km regional roads in Central Sulawesi
Related news: Government readies Rp15 trillion for regional road repair in 2024

Translator: Mentari Dwi G, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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