Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (ANTARA) - Around 1,400 hotel rooms have been booked by guests attending the Mandalika MotoGP scheduled for September 27–29 in Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), according to the Mataram Hotel Association (AHM).

AHM Secretary Rega Fajar Firdaus said on Monday that this number comes from 35 member hotels of AHM, with a total of 2,800 rooms.

Thus, 1,400 rooms remain available, or 50 percent of the total rooms prepared by AHM members.

"This is the same situation as in previous years. Typically, hotel rooms will be fully booked two days before the event. Many people book at the last minute," Firdaus pointed out.

He noted that a third party exploited this situation by selling hotel rooms at prices higher than the established provisions.

According to local regulations, hotel rates in Mataram City, the province's capital, can be increased up to twice the normal rate if located in the MotoGP buffer zone.

The regulation stipulates that the maximum rate for hotels during the MotoGP event is based on zoning. Hotels in zone 1 of the Mandalika Creative Economy Zone (KEK), Central Lombok, may increase rates up to three times the usual price.

Hotels in zone 2 in the Mataram City area may raise rates up to twice the usual price, while hotels in zone 3, covering Senggigi and Gili North Lombok, may see a rate increase of up to one time the usual price.

"Hotels in Mataram may increase their prices up to twice the usual rate. Currently, we have only increased them by 50 percent," Firdaus remarked.

If customers notice significant price increases in the market, Firdaus noted that travel agents often resell rooms from first-hand to second-hand, and so on.

He explained that hotel rooms are expensive due to packages sold by agents, which include pick-up and drop-off services, trips to certain tourist attractions, and MotoGP tickets.

"Hotel providers sell rooms according to the provisions, but once it goes to travel agents, it is beyond our control," he stated.

Firdaus expressed hope that the regional government will prepare regulations related to tourism agents.

"We still have seven years remaining of the Mandalika MotoGP from a 10-year contract," he remarked.

Related news: Indonesia to soon host world's first MotoGP museum in Mandalika
Related news: Indonesia's NTB to promote MotoGP event in Malaysia roadshow

Translator: Nirkomala, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Anton Santoso
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