Based on research from the ministry, Biak district of Papua province has the potential for tuna cultivation and empowering the upstream fisheries industry.
Banyuwangi, East Java (ANTARA) - Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, sent off the first export consignment of canned tuna to Canada from Banyuwangi district, East Java, on Monday.

A total shipment of US$10 million will be made over the next six months, he informed.

"The government continues to improve the upstream system, such as production, to support the downstream side," he added.

To fulfill export needs, the minister said, measured fishing must be implemented as a part of efforts to fix the upstream sector and support the fisheries industry.

"To be honest, we have a shortage of raw materials, and it is impossible to only expect from our domestic supply. We have to import," he added.

He then said that other regions outside Banyuwangi can also export canned fish.

Based on research from the ministry, Biak district of Papua province has the potential for tuna cultivation and empowering the upstream fisheries industry.

"The government will continue to provide support; this is the future of our nation," Trenggono said.

Meanwhile, the marketing director of PT Pasifik Masami Indonesia, the exporter of the canned tuna, Sherly Indrawati, said that the foreign market offers unlimited fisheries scope. Therefore, the players in the industry should prepare the raw materials, including through cultivation.

She informed that PT Pasifik Masami Indonesia has a production capacity of canned tuna and precooked tuna loin of up to 70 tons per day.

Besides the domestic market, the company is also targeting international markets such as Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, North America (Canada), and Oceania, Indrawati informed.

On Monday, Minister Trenggono also inaugurated a fish processing unit belonging to the company in Ketapang, Banyuwangi district.

Related news: Duty-free entry for Indonesian tuna in Japan: KKP Ministry
Related news: Introducing Indonesian tuna to compete in global markets

Translator: Novi Husdinariyanto, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Arie Novarina
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