Solo, Central Java (ANTARA) - Deputy Minister of Trade Dyah Roro Esti Widya Putri stated that the affordable market operation is a manifestation of the government's presence for the community.

"I am here to ensure that prices here align with what we have discussed at the national level. All prices should be below the Highest Retail Price (HET) and below the national reference prices," she remarked during a visit to the market operation at Solo Post Office here on Tuesday.

State postal service company Pos Indonesia, which is part of the state-owned enterprises (SOEs), has been appointed to conduct market operations during Ramadan.

"I have coordinated with the deputy minister of SOEs, (with) reports (of market operations) being made daily," she remarked.

Putri remarked that the staple food commodities sold during the affordable market operations are also available in traditional markets.

"This program will run for a month throughout Ramadan until Eid al-Fitr. Hopefully, we can provide the best service to the community," she affirmed.

Related news: Modern markets also stocking affordable food: Bapanas

So far, 500 post offices are conducting market operations, with a target to expand to 4,107 post offices across Indonesia by March 20.

On the same occasion, Head of the Solo Post Office, Shinta Sri Wahyuni, stated that in the first phase before Ramadan, market operations had already been conducted at four locations, namely the main regional branch office and three supporting branch offices in Tipes, Colomadu, and Jajar.

She remarked that the commodities sold in the market operations include rice, granulated sugar, cooking oil, chicken eggs, chicken meat, and garlic.

"There is a maximum purchase limit of two packages, and purchases must be made using an ID card. The ID card will be recorded, so it will automatically reject purchases if someone has already bought multiple times," she explained.

Related news: Ministry instructs regional governments to control food prices

Translator: Aris, Kenzu
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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