"We have started to enter the rehabilitation stage, especially for public service infrastructure, such as broken bridges and schools, that cannot be used. All of that must be restored immediately,” Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Pratikno remarked here on Thursday.
Pratikno emphasized that recovery efforts were carried out comprehensively, from distributing aid to repairing infrastructure and conducting mitigation measures to prevent the recurrence of similar disasters in the future.
He noted that the government is distributing ready-to-use funds worth Rp1.4 billion to support disaster management.
The assistance includes basic food packages, ready-to-eat food, mineral water, eggs, cooking oil, hygiene kits, blankets, mattresses, folding mattresses, tarpaulins, rubber boats, and polyethylene boats.
In addition, the government has allocated operational funds worth Rp200 million to support emergency response efforts in the field.
"As we know, the emergency response is still ongoing. Some people have been evacuated, and people still in their homes also need help," Pratikno remarked.
On the other hand, the government has succeeded in continuing weather modification operations to reduce rainfall in the affected areas.
The weather modification operations have prevented increased rainfall intensity, mitigating the severity of flood conditions in Bekasi and the surrounding areas.
Beyond addressing the current disaster, he stated that the government has developed a mitigation strategy to prevent similar incidents.
According to Pratikno, cooperation between the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture and the Coordinating Ministry for Infrastructure and Regional Development has been carried out to design infrastructure that is more resilient to disasters.
"This momentum is an important lesson for us to take quick and more integrated efforts,” he added.
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Translator: Asep Firmansyah, Yashinta Difa
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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