Currently, PT Sritex has completed salary payments for former employees until February 2025, but severance pay and THR remain unpaid.
"We hope it can be disbursed before Eid with a significant amount," Yassierli remarked at the Working Meeting with Commission IX of the Indonesian House of Representatives in Jakarta on Tuesday.
According to the minister, the funds for severance pay and THR will come from the sale of the company's assets.
In addition to severance pay and THR, his side also facilitates the disbursement of old age security (JHT) and job loss security (JKP) benefits.
Moreover, the ministry has prepared the "SIAPkerja" platform to disburse Job Loss Security claims.
The minister explained that SIAPkerja is a parent portal, which is also a digital ecosystem for all types of public services and employment activities, both at the center and in the regions.
"We have Government Decree Number 6 of 2025 as a revision related to the amount of JKP claims," he stated.
According to the latest revision, the JKP benefit is 60 percent cash from wages for six months, which was previously 45 percent, followed by the ease of accessing job training and job market information.
In the meeting, Yassierli disclosed that layoffs began in August 2024 with 340 workers at PT Sinar Pantja Djaja Semarang before the company's bankruptcy.
Further layoffs occurred in January 2025, during which the curator laid off 1,081 workers at PT Bitratex Industries Semarang.
The largest layoff took place on February 26, 2025, involving 8,504 workers at PT Sritex Sukoharjo, 956 at PT Primayuda Mandirijaya in Boyolali, 40 at PT Sinar Pantja Djaja in Semarang, and 104 at PT Bitratex Industries in Semarang.
Related news: Govt to watch disbursement of benefits for Sritex's laid-off employees
Related news: Prabowo convenes with ministers, Sritex representatives over layoffs
Translator: Muhammad Harianto, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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