Decimomannu, Italy (ANTARA News/AFP) - Six F-16 fighter jets from the United Arab Emirates, a key US ally, landed at an Italian base on Sunday ahead of their deployment to help enforce the no-fly zone over Libya.

The six planes could be seen landing at the Decimomannu base on the island of Sardinia after a logistics plane also arrived at the base.

The UAE said Thursday it had committed six F-16 and six Mirage fighters.

"The UAE air force has committed six F-16 and six Mirage aircraft to participate in the patrols that will enforce the no-fly zone now established over Libya," Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahayan said then.

A former UAE air force commander said last week that his country had delayed its military deployment because of disagreements with the West over the unrest in Bahrain, where there is a Shiite-led revolt against the Sunni royal family.

Two Mirage fighter planes carried out Qatar`s first mission over Libya accompanied by two French jets, the French military said Friday. (*)

Editor: Kunto Wibisono
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