Abdul Fatah, Regent of Batanghari district, said here Friday that the 13 villages in Batin 24 sub-district are located far from Muarabulian, the capital of Batanghari district, 60 kilometers away.
"The sub-district is blocked by the 15,830 hectares park. I have reported the case to Vice President Boediono when he came here a couple of days ago," Abdul said here Friday.
According to him, the forest park is disposing the thirteen villages in Batin 24 of electricity as the local administration still not sure that state power company PT PLN could reach the area because of its great distance.
Because of this, Abdul said the Batanghari administration had sent a letter to the Forestry Ministry, which will soon send a team here to conduct a survey.
According to him, the survey team would collect data on the number of trees which needs to be cut for the construction of a PLN grid for the 24 Batin sub-district.
"We have prepared the funds, and are now awaiting a permit from the Forestry Ministry, and later in 2012 the grid would be finished. (*)
Editor: Aditia Maruli Radja
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