Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono opened the first trade in 2012 at the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) here, Monday.

"I officially declare the first trade in 2012 opens at the Indonesian Stock Exchange," said the president.

The trade opening ceremony was marked by the president`s pressing a touch screen followed by the sounding of sirens marking the opening of the first stock trade in 2012.

The president in his remarks sent his congratulation and best regards to every IDX staff member who had worked hard all this time.

Besides the IDX staff, the president also thanked all stock market regulators and market participants.

"Thanks to every economic participants, along with the government we have built a well performed country`s economy," said the president.

On the occasion, the president also opened and signed an epigraph for the IDX gallery opening, followed by sightseeing the gallery.

Several United Indonesia II cabinet ministers were also accompanying the national leader in the ceremony, including Coordinating Minister for Economy Hatta Rajasa and Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo.


Editor: Ella Syafputri
Copyright © ANTARA 2012