Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The government will seek to achieve the 6.7 percent economic growth which is assumed in the 2012 budget, Deputy Finance Minister Anny Ratnawati said here on Tuesday.

"We wish to remain close to 6.7 percent. That is the reference for us to achieve," she told newsmen at a press conference on the country`s present macro-economic conditions.

To meet the target, she said the government would encourage acceleration of central and regional government expenditures and improve capital spending.

The government, she said, has already set up a team responsible for accelerating budget spending with members from the UKP4, the presidential working unit for development control and supervision, the finance ministry and the OPKP, and to improve Presidential Regulation Number 54 of 2010 on procurement of goods and services to increase government spending.

"If the central government`s spending could be made faster, economic growth would be spurred," she said.

She noted that the government would also coordinate funding schemes for the Masterplan for the Acceleration of Economic Development and Extension (MP3EI) program with state-owned companies and public-private participation to promote infrastructure development.

"Investment continues to show positive growth supported by improving domestic economic conditions that could be used to support growth," she said.

The government, she said, would continue to provide fiscal stimulus to maintain the public`s buying power to face a potential economic crisis that could possibly happen in Indonesia.

According to plans, the government, in the revised budget, would allocate Rp24 trillion as part of a stimulus taken from the remaining budget of the previous year to promote infrastructure development in the eastern region.

Anny said she hoped the economic situation in Indonesia would be able to perform positively so that investors` confidence would increase and contribute to the country`s economic growth.

However, if the global economic situation affects Indonesia, it would be possible for the government to revise its growth target to between 6.5 and 6.6 percent.

"It should not be far away from the 6.5 - 6.6 percent figures so that the focus could still achieve a 6.7 percent growth," she said.(*)

Editor: Heru Purwanto
Copyright © ANTARA 2012