Regarding fuel shortages in many parts of the country the minister said that the government had never cut the quota.
Palembang (ANTARA News) - Chief Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa has asked regional governments to help monitor subsidized fuel distribution in their regions to prevent irregularities.

He said at the opening of the 18th conference of Muhammadiyah Students Organization here on Monday the monitoring is important to assure that the subsidized fuel really went to the people.

Regarding fuel shortages in many parts of the country the minister said that the government had never cut the quota.

Pertamina, the state-owned oil company, has continued distributing fuel oils according to quotas, he said.

In view of that supervision is needed to assure that no irregularities happen to cause shortages, he said.

He said the government would continue supplying regions in Kalimantan that are facing fuel shortage. "I have talked with Pertamina and fuel oils would continue to be supplied there, moreover following the House of Representatives` agreement to increase the quota," he added.

The House of Representatives` Commission VII in September approved to add 4.04 million kiloliters more subsidized fuel oils to meet the demand until the end of this year.(*)

Editor: Heru Purwanto
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