Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan (ANTARA News) - Finnish Ambassador to Indonesia Kai Sauer has encouraged Central Kalimantan to develop and use renewable energy because the province has abundant natural resources.

"We are committed to helping Indonesia, particularly Central Kalimantan and Riau provinces to develop renewable energy by providing the two provinces with around 4 million euro," Sauer said in a seminar on sustainable renewable energy here on Wednesday.

He said that besides providing the two provinces with funds, Finland would also assist with the idea about the development of the renewable energy.

Therefore the Finnish envoy expressed hope that the people in Central Kalimantan would also support the development of renewable energy in the province.

"Central Kalimantan and Riau deserve the 4 million of funds because the two provinces are rich in renewable energy resources," Sauer said.

According to him, the development of renewable energy has been implemented through the Energy and Environmental Partnership (EEP) with Indonesia as part of bilateral cooperation between the governments of Indonesia and Finland.

The Energy and Environment Partnership (EEP) programs support wider access to modern energy services and promote renewable energy and energy efficiency in program countries.

Indonesia and Finland signed in February 2011 an agreement to start a bilateral program to promote renewable energy, energy efficiency and clean technology investments in Indonesia.

The cooperation program is called Energy and Environment Partnership (EEP).

The main goal of the program is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change by providing modern, accessible and reliable energy services in rural areas and in industrial applications.


Editor: Jafar M Sidik
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