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Collection of 1 4 news, found 809 news.

Most of RI`s salt demand being met by imports

Most of Indonesia`s salt demand is being met by imports because domestic salt production reaches only 1.4 million ...

Indonesia determined to become polio, measles-free nation

In addition to the routine immunization program using five vaccines to prevent tuberculosis, polio, diphtheria, ...

Investments in forestry sector reach rp32 trillion

A total of 328 wood industries invested a total of Rp32 trillion in the forestry sector in Indonesia over the past ...

Thailand defeats Indonesia in U-16

Indonesia`s under-16 years of age soccer team (U-16 team) was defeated by host Thailand 1-4 in the qualifying round ...

Mount Tambora still in alert status

Mount Tambora is still on Alert III status since September 8, 2011, due to its high volcanic activities, a local ...

Global warming brings crab threat to antarctica

The sea floor around the West Antarctica peninsula could become invaded by a voracious king crab, which is on the ...

National need for salt reaches 3.4 millon tons

Four related ministries have agreed to set the national need for salt at 3.4 million tons, consisting of 1.6 million ...

BRILINTA Mortality Benefit in Blinded Review of Post-CABG PLATO Patients Driven by Fewer Cardiac, Bl

-        This Release is Not Intended for US Media        ...

Libyan rebels set deadline for final battle

Libyan rebels have given forces loyal to Moamer Kadhafi until Saturday to surrender or face the "final battle" of a ...

London Sumatra`s profit surges 112 pct

Oil palm plantation company PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk (LSIP) posted a net profit of Rp886.3 billion in the ...

News Focus: Govt to push up tax receipts in 2012

The government has set a tax receipt target of Rp1,019.3 trillion in the 2012 Draft State Budget, or about 79 percent ...

West Sumatra`s imports up slightly in June

West Sumatra`s imports in June 2011 rose 0.24 percent to US$84.7 million from US$84.5 million in the previous ...

Chief economic minister says govt spending in 2012 to expand

Chief economic minister Hatta Rajasa said capital spending in 2012 would be more expansive in connection with the ...

Bulog to conduct market operations in several regions

The State Logistics Agency (Bulog) is ready to conduct rice market operations in several regions to stabilize ...

Seeking to expand rice sources imports

While expecting to produce 68.68 million tons of dried unhulled rice this year, Indonesia is planning to expand the ...