#anti narcotics

Collection of anti narcotics news, found 118 news.

Ssecurity at Indonesia-PNG border must be tightened

Security in the areas along the border between the Republic of Indonesia (RI) and its neighboring country of Papua New ...

Indonesia's Second Batch Executions Trigger Strong Reactions Overseas

Despite pressures and appeals from various quarters at home as well as overseas, Indonesia went ahead and executed ...

60 more drug convicts on death row

Head of the National Anti-Narcotics Agency (BNN) Anang Iskandar said there are some 60 more death row drug convicts ...

Soekarno-Hatta airport`s customs foil 18 attempts to smuggle drugs

The Soekarno-Hatta International Airports customs and excise officers have managed to foil 18 attempts to smuggle ...

Indonesian NGO claims Ban Ki-moon biased on Bali Nine execution

The National Movement of Anti-Narcotics (Ganas Annar), an Indonesian NGO, considers UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon ...

Anti-narcotics agency destroys seven kilograms of meth

The National Anti-Narcotics Agency (BNN) has destroyed some seven kilograms of methamphetamine, confiscated in a case ...

Anti-narcotics agency arrests drug ring leader Mustofa`s accomplices

The National Anti-Narcotics Agency (BNN) has arrested Erick and David, who are stooges of narcotics ring leader ...

President Jokowi welcomed in state ceremony at Malacanang Palace

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo received a warm welcome at a state ceremony held at the Malacanang Palace during his ...

Police commission members to propose new candidates for police chief

The commissioners from the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) visited the National Police headquarters here on ...

Indonesian human rights advocates condemn execution of drug convicts

Indonesias National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) and several other non-governmental organizations condemn ...

HK police praise Indonesia for arresting int`l drug dealer

The Hong Kong Anti-Narcotics Police have praised the Indonesian Anti-Narcotics Agency (BNN) for arresting WCP (40), an ...

BNN confiscates eight tons of dried marijuana

The National Anti-narcotics Agency (BNN) has arrested in Riau Province a truck loaded with eight tons of dried ...

Fights Against Illicit Drugs Intensified to Save Youths

Indonesia has to intensify fight against illicit drugs in order to save the nations younger generation, who are prone ...

Illegal drugs cause Rp57 trillion loss to Indonesia

Official from the National Anti-Narcotics Body (BNN) Mariani said illegal drug use is to cause Rp57 Trillion loss to ...

BNN: Number of drug addicts growing in Indonesia

The number of drug addicts in Indonesia has tended to increase in the past years, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) ...