
Collection of bangka news, found 1.204 news.

Over 34.70 million Indonesians fully vaccinated against COVID-19

As many as 34,702,821 Indonesians have received their second COVID-19 vaccine dose as of Saturday, according to the ...

West Bangka COVID-19 Task Force asked to monitor offline learning

The Education, Youth and Sports Office of West Bangka District, Bangka Belitung Islands, has said that it will ...

Bangka Belitung disseminates information on COVID-19 in remote areas

Bangka Belitung Islands Governor Erzaldi Rosman Djohan constantly pushes the agenda to disseminate information on ...

Offline learning: Bangka Belitung pushes teacher, student vaccinations

The provincial government in Bangka Belitung Islands has said it is currently focusing on vaccinating teachers and ...

Pertamina distributes 4,855 tons of medical oxygen to 504 hospitals

Pertamina Group has distributed 4,855 tons of medical oxygen to meet the needs of patients exposed to COVID-19 at 504 ...

BRI holds Hedging School to edify about economic risk mitigation

State-owned bank PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) TBK, or BRI, held a Hedging School to enable market players to ...

Yogyakarta offers student consultation services through YouTube, Zoom

The Yogyakarta Youth and Sports Education Office has optimized online student learning consultation services through ...

Bangka Belitung government postpones face-to-face learning in 3 areas

The Bangka Belitung Islands government has postponed face-to-face learning in three areas, citing the continuation of ...

Three provinces have high stunting prevalence: BKKBN

The National Demography and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) has revealed that three Indonesian provinces -- East Nusa ...

Palangka Raya records 10,234 COVID-19 recoveries

Central Kalimantan's city of Palangka Raya has recorded 10,234 COVID-19 recoveries ever since the first ...

Bangka Belitung has 22,059 COVID-19 suspects: task force

Bangka Belitung Islands COVID-19 Task Force confirmed the presence of 22,059 COVID-19 suspects and 46,526 people that ...

Babel Police deploy 938 vaccinators to expedite vaccinations

Bangka Belitung (Babel) Islands Provincial Police has deployed 938 vaccinators as a form of support to expedite ...

BRGM involves citizens in peatland, mangrove restoration activities

Indonesia's National Peatland and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM) continues to involve citizens directly in ...

BMKG issues warning of extreme weather in parts of Indonesia

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has issued a warning for potential extreme weather ...

COVID-19 cases up in five Indonesia's provinces: Health Ministry

Five provinces in Indonesia have recorded an increase in COVID-19 cases in the past week, while nationally, there has ...