#bank of indonesia

Collection of bank of indonesia news, found 800 news.

Danamon bank reports smaller net profit

Publicly traded lender PT Bank Danamon Indonesia reported a slight 1 percent fall on-year in net profit to Rp1.985 ...

Rupiah loses 30 points to close at 10.060 per US dollar

The Indonesian currency rupiah lost 30 more points to close at 10,060 per US dollar on Thursday. "The rupiah fall ...

Rupiah exchange weakens following global trend: Economist

Rupiah exchange weakening is still following the global trend where every currency also weakens against the US dollars ...

Card Issuing and Merchant Acquiring Partnership Signing between CIMB Niaga and JCB International Indonesia

PT. Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk ("CIMB Niaga"), the 5th Largest Bank in Indonesia and PT. JCB International Indonesia, a ...

BNI sets five million target of e-commerce transaction

A state-owned lender PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) has set a target of five million transactions of e-commerce or ...

Indonesian inflation could rise to 7.9 percent

Indonesian Central Bank (Bank Indonesia/BI) said Indonesian inflation could surge to as high as 7.9 percent as a ...

BI`s supervision withstands rupiah from weakening

Supervision by the Indonesian central bank, Bank Indonesia, in domestic money markets withstands Rupiah exchange rate ...

Central bank inaugurates implementation of bylaws for banking sector

The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank, Bank of Indonesia, Ronald Waas inaugurated the implementation of National ...

Economic grwoth target to remain at 6.2 pct

Finance Minister Chatib Basri assured that the economic growth target set by the government in the 2013 Revised State ...

Indonesia to have economic growth at 6.4-6.9 percent in 2014

Finance Minister Chatib Basri predicted Indonesia will have an economic growth at the level of 6.4-6.9 percent in ...

Jakarta index falls slightly

The Composite index of the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) fell slightly 0.24 point on profit taking by a number of ...

Seven terrorist suspects killed during police raid

Seven terrorist suspects were killed and 13 others were arrested during several raids conducted by the Indonesian ...

BNI eyes Japanese customers through JCB joint-cooperation

PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) Tbk, a state-owned commercial bank in Indonesia, has been aiming at wider credit card ...

JCB and Bank Negara Indonesia Sign Issuing and Acquiring Partnership

PT. JCB International Indonesia ("JCBIIDN"), the subsidiary of JCB International Co., Ltd. ("JCBI"), the international ...

Indonesia can achieve 6.6 pct economic growth this year

Amid predictions of lower economic growth by international institutions, Bank Indonesia (BI) is still convinced that ...