
Collection of bekasi news, found 1.703 news.

Weekend Stories

Places of worship adapt to new normal, strive for safety

  On July 4 this year, as the Hindu congregation in Jakarta celebrated Saraswati Day, Dewa Wiguna visited the ...

Indonesia, France discuss digital transformation

    Minister of Communications and Informatics, Johnny G Plate, met with the French Ambassador to ...

Bekasi city declared 'green zone'; to reopen schools July 13

With the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Bekasi city declining significantly, the city has been labeled a ...

"Sejauh Mata Memandang" joins Jakarta's ban on single-use plastic bags

Indonesia's textile label "Sejauh Mata Memandang" joins a civil society movement to free Jakarta from the ...

West Java lifts PSBB, moves towards new normal

The provincial government of West Java has decided to lift PSBB (large-scale social distancing) measures — ...

Police seize 159 kg of drugs, likely smuggled from China

Indonesia’s National Police and the Customs and Excise Directorate General of the Finance Ministry have seized ...

Volunteers educate vendors about health protocols in 10 markets

The Volunteer Coordinating Team of the Task Force for the Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling visited 10 traditional ...

Bulog to distribute 900,000 tons rice to 10 million families

The State Logistics Agency (Bulog) is prepared to hand out 900 thousand tons of rice under the government's social ...

Implementation of health protocols being non-negotiable: task force

Chief of the Task Force for Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling Doni Monardo gave due emphasis to the fact that the ...

Government's aid packages distributed to retired soldiers in Bekasi

Social Affairs Minister Juliari Batubara disbursed the government's aid packages to households of retired ...

Social Ministry's budget reaches Rp104 trillion during pandemic

The budget of the Ministry of Social Affairs reached Rp104 trillion during the COVID-19 pandemic, rising from the ...

At the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting, the Minister of Social Affairs described 4 key steps to overcome the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the poor and vulnerable groups

- In the presence of the ASEAN Minister, Social Minister Juliari P. Batubara conveyed the government's important steps ...

TransNusa plans resumption of eastern Indonesian flights on June 22

Local airline PT TransNusa Aviation Mandiri plans to resume flights on the eastern Indonesian routes on June 22 amid ...

South Sulawesi government involves Unhas in COVID-19 prevention team

The Hasanuddin University's (Unhas') Public Health Faculty welcomed the South Sulawesi provincial ...

Jakarta residents not wearing masks to be fined Rp250 thousand

The Jakarta provincial government confirmed that 20 million free masks were distributed to its residents, so those ...