
Collection of briefing news, found 1.068 news.

Indonesia's imports down 19 percent in 2015: statistic agency

Indonesias imports last year fell by 19.89 percent to US$142.74 billion from US$178.17 billion the year before, ...

China fears regional conflict as Saudi Arabia cuts ties with Iran

China said on Monday it was concerned about the prospect of an intensification of conflict in the Middle East after ...

China`s new two-child policy law takes effect

Married couples in China will from Friday be allowed to have two children, after concerns over an ageing population ...

Govt to collect energy security funds as of 2016

The government will begin collecting an energy security fund from premium gasoline and diesel oil sold in the market ...

President instructs Air Force to investigate aircraft crash

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has ordered the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) to conduct an investigation into the ...

Crashed air force plane bought in 2013

The T-501 Golden Eagle fighter of the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) which crashed while participating in an air show ...

Rupiah falls 0.63 percent against dollar in November

The Indonesian rupiah registered a drop of 0.63 percent against the US dollar in November 2015, according to the ...

RI`s imports in November up 3.61 percent

Indonesias imports in November 2015 rose by 3.61 percent to US$11.51 billion from US$11.10 billion a month earlier, ...

RI`s exports record 17 percent drop in November

Indonesias exports in November 2015 fell 17.58 percent to US$11.16 billion compared to US$13.54 billion recorded in ...

Indonesia-Japanese defense and foreign ministers to hold meeting

Indonesias Defense and Foreign Affairs Ministers will meet their Japanese counterparts in a two-plus-two meeting in ...

Lake Tambing becomes favorite tourist destination

An increasing number of tourists are visiting the Lake Tambing ecotourism destination in Lore Lindu National Park ...

China tells Obama to keep out of South China Sea disputes

Beijing said Wednesday US President Barack Obama should not get involved in disputes in the South China Sea, after he ...

2015 inflation may stay below 3 percent

Indonesias 2015 inflation rate may stay below 3 percent, driven by persistently stable food prices and the ...

BI predicts 4.7-4.8 percent growth for 2015

Bank Indonesia (BI) has predicted that the nations economy will grow this year by 4.7-4.8 percent, which is the lower ...

Food&HotelAsia2016 Will Feature Many Firsts as Food and Hospitality Scene in Asia Heats Up

The international food and hospitality scene is heating up, with Asia taking the lead. In six months, the region's ...