#bulog rice

Collection of bulog rice news, found 54 news.

Bulog prepares to respond to counterfeit rice sacks

The State Logistics Agency (Bulog) will immediately supply rice products wrapped in vacuum plastic packaging as a ...

News Focus

Global rice market sensitivity be accorded to right domestic policy

The fact that the trade of rice commodities among nations is merely five percent of the global rice production traded ...

Government assures supply, price stability of basic needs

The government has assured the stability of price and supply of basic necessities to meet the demand, especially ...

Government asks Bulog to intensify rice market operations

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution has asked the National Logistics Agency (Bulog) to ...

Bulog`s rice procurement reaches 3.2 million tons

Rice procurement by the Board of Logistics (Bulog) all over the country has reached 3.19 million tons so far this ...

RI does not need to import rice in 2014

Chief Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa said that Indonesia would not need to import rice in 2014 because the government ...

Rice prices to be stable in 2013

The prices of rice have been stable in Bandarlampung since the beginning of this year. Traders have been able to meet ...

Bulog to supply 4 mln tons of rice

State logistics board (Bulog) intends to supply 3.7 million to 4 million tons of rice next year. Of the total, ...

Bulog must replace bad quality rice for the poor

State logistics board (Bulog) must replace the rice it has distributed to the poor (Raskin) but it could not be ...