#cabinet members

Collection of cabinet members news, found 236 news.

Ease requirements for export-oriented industries: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) highlighted the need of easing requirements for industries that could boost ...

Jokowi urges cabinet members to collaborate as one solid team

Incumbent President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) gave directives to his cabinet members, Thursday, to work in cooperation as a ...

Jokowi chairs foremost plenary meeting of Indonesia Onward Cabinet

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) chaired the first plenary meeting of his Indonesia Onward Cabinet 2019-2024 at the ...

Stability prioritized in Prabowo's inclusion in Jokowi's cabinet: MPR

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Speaker Bambang Soesatyo echoed President Joko Widodo’s ...

Nadiem Makarim quits Gojek after accepting ministerial offer

CEO and founder of Gojek Nadiem Makaraim spoke of having tendered his resignation from the Unicorn startup since he had ...

News Focus

Awaiting ministers to walk talk over public's developmental benefits

- the ruling PDIP, PKB, PPP, Golkar, Nasdem, PSI, Perindo, PKPI, Hanura, and the latest one, PBB -- during the 2019 ...

President Jokowi to announce cabinet minister names on Monday

President Joko Widodo will announce the names of cabinet ministers for his second term in office on Monday ...

National interests top Gerindra's list of priorities: Prabowo

Ma'ruf Amin administration. Conversing with journalists in Jakarta on Sunday evening after meeting with National ...

Tjahjanto pledges to enable riot survivors' smooth return to Wamena

Indonesian Military (TNI) Commander Air Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto made a solemn promise to facilitate survivors of ...

Rais confirms PAN to officially remain outside Jokowi administration

Ma'ruf Amin administration and to apply a system of substantive checks and balances. "The PAN leader has ...

Jokowi believed to recruit young people in cabinet: political analyst

The presence of President-elect Joko Widodo's inner circle could be a clue to his readiness to keep his promise of ...

Minister of education-religion must be free from politics: Academician

Professor of the Sultan Syarif Kasim (Suska) Islamic University of Riau, Prof. Dr. Alaidin Koto said that ministers in ...

PDIP has yet to propose names of ministerial candidates to Jokowi

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) has yet to propose and submit names of his future cabinet members to ...

News Focus

Awaiting Jokowi's new cabinet

The new Indonesian cabinet will have members from different political parties and various professional backgrounds, ...

PKB leader expresses keenness to be MPR speaker

National Awakening Party (PKB) leader Muhaimin Iskandar was unequivocal in expressing keenness to be selected as the ...