#circular letter

Collection of circular letter news, found 352 news.

Government takes precautionary measures against new coronavirus strain

Chief of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Military Lieutenant General Doni Monardo, affirmed that the government is ...

Edhy Prabowo submits signed resignation to President Joko Widodo

Edhy Prabowo tendered a signed letter of resignation to President Joko Widodo to relinquish his post as marine affairs ...

Services remain uninterrupted as Edhy Prabowo named suspect: Ministry

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry has made assurance that public services would remain unaffected after ...

Medical waste generation rose 30-50 percent due to COVID-19 pandemic

The volume of medical waste generated in Indonesia increased 30-50 percent to reach 1,662.75 tons, as of October 15, ...

Student deaths wake-up call for re-evaluating online schooling: KPA

Commissioner for Indonesian Children Protection (KPAI) for Education, Retno Listyarti, has said the deaths of three ...

Indonesia's Independence celebrations go virtual, with limitations

The commemoration of Indonesia's 75th year of independence on August 17 this year will be held at the Merdeka ...

PGI: Churches must coordinate worship activities with task forces

General Secretary of the Association of Indonesian Churches (PGI), Reverend Jacky Manuputty, has asked churches to ...

BTNGR to soon reopen Mount Rinjani's hiking trails for climbers

The Mount Rinjani National Park Office (BTNGR) plans to soon reopen the hiking trails of Mount Rinjani on Lombok ...

Manpower Ministry to supervise new normal in world of work

The Manpower Minister has said her ministry will supervise the implementation of the new normal in the world of work, ...

Ministry to gradually increase air passenger capacity to 100 percent

Air passenger capacity will be stepped up gradually to 100 percent by implementing stringent health protocols at ...

News Focus

Indonesian regions brace for reopening of tourism attractions

The spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has brought the tourism sector to a screeching halt, resulting ...

New protocol requires international flyers to submit swab test result

International flyers will now need to submit PCR swab test results, showing they have tested negative for COVID-19, ...

Sabang marine tourist resort in Aceh reopens

The Sabang municipality has permitted to reopen its marine resort and resume operations of sea transportation modes to ...

Ministry prepares for flight operations in Bali before new normal

The transportation ministry prepares to enter the new normal with flights to and from Bali's I Gusti Ngurah Rai ...

WTR forecasts significant drop in traffic volume before Idul Fitri

Indonesia's toll road operator PT Waskita Toll Road (WTR) has projected a major decline in toll road traffic volume ...