
Collection of claims news, found 1.177 news.

NATO helicopter downed in Afghanistan

A NATO helicopter crashed in the restive east of Afghanistan on Monday, and foreign troops battled an insurgent attack ...

Borobudur`s administrative status needs clarification

The status of the Buddhist Borobudur temple as a tourist destination should be made clear as to which province it ...

ASEAN, China Agree On Sc Sea Conflict Resolution Guidelines

ASEAN and China have finally reached agreement on the guidelines for the implementation of the Declaration of Conduct ...

Renewed W. Sahara negotiations begin in New York

An eighth session of UN-led informal negotiations between Morocco and the Polisario Front on the Western Sahara ...

ASEAN, China set to agree on DoC guidelines

ASEAN and China are expected to reach agreement on the guidelines for the the implementation of the Declaration on the ...

Al Qaeda group claims Algerian bombings - site

Al Qaeda in North Africa has claimed responsbility for suicide bombs in Algeria at the weekend that a security source ...

RI welcomes int`l court`s decision on Thai-Cambodian conflict

Indonesia welcomes the decision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that obliges Cambodia and Thailand to pull ...

New Report: Exposing the Myths of FSC

-Stop the War on the Poor Campaign Documents the Economic Harm and Environmental Mythology of the Forest Stewardship ...

India asks Sri Lanka to probe war crimes claims

India on Friday urged Sri Lanka to examine claims made in a British documentary that said it targeted civilians while ...

Karzai orders probe into NATO `civilian deaths`

Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Thursday ordered an investigation into provincial government claims that a NATO raid ...

Killer Australian virus outbreak claims ninth horse

A horse was put down in Australia Thursday after contracting the deadly Hendra virus -- the ninth animal to die in an ...

Foreign forces ready to help Afghan killing probe

A senior officer of the foreign forces in Afghanistan pledged Wednesday to help bring to justice those responsible for ...

Fox News Twitter Account Hacked, Claims Obama Dead

Hackers broke into an official Twitter account operated by Fox News early Monday and posted a series of tweets that ...

Suicide bomber, gunmen attack top Kabul hotel

At least one suicide bomber and several gunmen attacked a major Kabul hotel frequented by foreigners and Afghan ...

US senate deplores China action in South China Sea

The US Senate on Monday unanimously approved a resolution that "deplores the use of force" by Chinese vessels in ...