
Collection of collapse news, found 458 news.


The 30th anniversary of Azerbaijan with great success

October 18 marks the 30th anniversary of the restoration of the state independence of the Republic of ...

Corporate negligence can threaten global peace, too: Amin

Vice President Ma’ruf Amin has warned that threats to world peace may not emerge from the military sector alone, ...

Bogor govt allocates Rp37-million budget for repairs to public schools

The Bogor city government has set aside Rp37 billion (around US$2,59 million) in the 2022 budget for repairs to 22 ...

Indigenous people bind their soul to geographical spaces: AMAN

Thousands of indigenous communities in Indonesia are dynamic groups that have tied their souls to geographical spaces, ...

News Feature

Two films offer a peek into future of climate change

For science fiction buffs, two Hollywood movies could offer an insight into the latest report of the Intergovernmental ...

COVID-19 case surge in US a warning for Indonesia: DPR

The recent spike in COVID-19 cases in the US is a warning for Indonesia to remain vigilant and not become complacent in ...


What's happening in Afghanistan right now?

The international media lately reported the success of the Taliban militia group in taking over Afghanistan that ...

Industry ministry highlights three priority programs in 2022

based Green-fuel Industrial Pilot Plant construction; machinery restructuring of the furniture industry; and the ...

Introducing digital currency could trigger banking system collapse: BI

Bank Indonesia has not issued a digital currency so far because that could risk collapsing the nation's existing ...

Jakarta loses red zone tag as coronavirus cases dive

Hospitals brimming with patients were a common sight in Jakarta a few weeks ago. Not only treatment rooms, ...

PMN for 12 SOEs seen supporting post-pandemic recovery

The government and the House of Representatives (DPR) have decided to provide Rp72.44-trillion in State Equity ...

UI epidemiologist backs government's decision to extend PPKM

Epidemiologist from the University of Indonesia Iwan Ariawan opined that the government's decision to extend the ...

Mutual assistance can help ease pandemic burden: Rismaharini

Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini has urged citizens to inculcate the spirit of mutual assistance (gotong royong) ...

Indonesia can still singlehandedly tackle pandemic: official

Chief of the Mitigation Team of the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) Moh. Adib Khumaidi has expressed ...


Twenty years of the SCO: Cooperation for stability, prosperity

Since the early days of gaining its independence, the Republic of Tajikistan, based on the principles of the ...