
Collection of commissioner news, found 4.385 news.

Police officers in East Java's Jember donate convalescent plasma

Tens of police officers in East Java's Jember City having recovered from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) donated ...

Police grill 9 witnesses over N Sumatra gas leak

Police have so far questioned nine witnesses in connection with the leakage of a gas pipeline belonging to a geothermal ...

Papuan communities urged to not be provoked by racism case

The Papuan Customary Council has appealed to native Papuan communities in the province to not be provoked by Ambroncius ...

Police to investigate alleged sale of endangered animals to countries

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police will probe the alleged sale of endangered animals to other nations after a man ...

Bank Muamalat becomes more advanced with QRIS Code: Ilham Habibie

PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia President Commissioner Tbk. Ilham A. Habibie opined that digital technology was the keyword ...

Police detain Hanura politician Ambroncius Nababan

A day after he was named a suspect for allegedly posting racist remarks against a noted Papuan human rights defender on ...

President inaugurates Listyo Sigit Prabowo as new police chief

President Joko Widodo inaugurated Listyo Sigit Prabowo as the National Police chief at the State Palace, here on ...

Ambroncius Nababan named suspect after posting racist content: police

Indonesian police’s cybercrime investigators have named People’s Conscience Party (Hanura) politician ...

Hanura politician seeks strict action from police against racism

West Papua Chapter Sius Dowansiba on Monday for investigating the case. Meanwhile, Nababan disclosed to CNN ...

National police investigate case of Nababan's alleged racist remark

West Papua Chapter Sius Dowansiba on Monday. Meanwhile, Nababan disclosed to CNN Indonesia the reason behind him ...

President to install Listyo Sigit Prabowo as police chief Wednesday

President Joko Widodo is scheduled to formally appoint Commissioner General Listyo Sigit Prabowo as chief of the ...

Seven held for forging coronavirus test certificates

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police have arrested seven persons on charges of falsifying certificates of COVID-19 tests, ...

Police should act against racist remarks on social media: KSP

Indonesian presidential chief of staff office (KSP) deputy urged the National Police to act sternly against Ambroncius ...

Aceh Police detain illegal logger in Mt Leuser national park area

Subulussalam Police detained ST (45), a resident of Natam Village, Badar Sub-district, Southeast Aceh District, Aceh ...

Densus 88 arrests five suspected terrorists in Aceh

The National Police’s Counterterrorism Squad, Densus 88, arrested three suspected terrorists from two different ...