#constitutional court mk

Collection of constitutional court mk news, found 348 news.

6,394 personnel to secure May Day rally sites in Jakarta

A total of 6,394 military and police personnel will be deployed to secure the commemoration of International Labor Day, ...

House lauds government for success in organizing regional elections

House of Representatives’ Deputy Speaker Azis Syamsuddin praised the government for success in holding the 2020 ...

Independence unhindered by MK justices medals of honor: Moeldoko

Chief of Presidential Staff Moeldoko supported the conferment of medals of honor to Constitutional Court (MK) justices ...

News Focus

Omnibus law protests highlight need for dialogue

President Joko Widodo’s goal of getting Indonesia’s first ever omnibus bill passed into law has finally ...

Police arrest 5,918 allegedly creating chaos during job law protests

The Indonesian police arrested 5,918 people suspected of creating chaos during rallies against the job creation law ...

Several political parties trapped in dynastic politics: ex-MK Chief

Former Constitutional Court (MK) Chief, Prof. Jimly Asshiddiqie, gauged that several political parties had currently ...

Public trust in government institutions declined: LIPI

Denny JA released the results of its surveys, which showed declining public trust in state and social institutes ...

Ma'ruf Amin stresses on stringent law enforcement in Indonesia

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin highlighted the need to enforce the applicable law in Indonesia in the face of boundless ...

Stability prioritized in Prabowo's inclusion in Jokowi's cabinet: MPR

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Speaker Bambang Soesatyo echoed President Joko Widodo’s ...

Nadiem Makarim quits Gojek after accepting ministerial offer

CEO and founder of Gojek Nadiem Makaraim spoke of having tendered his resignation from the Unicorn startup since he had ...

BEM Nusantara calls to maintain peace before Jokowi's inauguration

The Student Executive Body (BEM) of Archipelago (Nusantara) appealed to Indonesians, including student activists ...

President leads ceremony to mark Pancasila Sanctity Day

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) acted as inspector of a ceremony at a function held to commemorate Pancasila Sanctity ...

President gives police three-month deadline to solve Baswedan's case

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has unequivocally conveyed to the police chief to solve Novel Baswedan's attack case ...

Investigators suspect one of six cases was behind attack on Baswedan

A joint team formed by the National Police on January 8, 2019 to investigate an attack on Novel Baswedan, senior ...

Constructive opposition needed to advance Indonesian nation: Uno

Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno has believed a constructive opposition is needed to help develop and advance the Indonesian ...