#cultural values

Collection of cultural values news, found 167 news.

Young people must increase cyberspace literacy: BSSN

The National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) has asked young people, especially students, to take up activities that can ...

Apply values of Pancasila to eradicate corruption: BPIP

The Pancasila Ideology Education Agency (BPIP) encouraged the community to apply the values of Indonesia’s ...

Minister calls for massive monitoring of digital broadcasting by KPI

Communication and Informatics Minister Johnny G. Plate has urged the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI), as a ...

Culture can be solution to problems in sustainable development

Culture can be the solution to various life problems in sustainable development, according to the Education, Culture, ...

Jamu part of Indonesia's national identity: Minister Uno

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Uno stated that Indonesian traditional herbal medicine, known as jamu, ...

Educational units must be free from discrimination: minister

Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Nadiem Anwar Makarim, has emphasized that educational units ...

G20 Indonesia

Education Ministry invites G20 members to attend workshop at Borobudur

Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) Ministry invites G20 delegates to join a meeting with ...

South Sumatra's BKSS to present 200 creative economy businesses

The South Sumatra movement to purchase creative products (BKSS) will present 200 creative economy players, Acting ...

Cultural preservation effectual in preventing terrorism: BNPT Head

Preserving and bolstering cultural and traditional values is an effective method in preventing terrorism in the ...

Committed to implementing five anti-terror measures: BNPT

The National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) has said that it is committed to implementing five transformative measures ...

Ministry hosts short video competition

The Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Ministry hosted a video competition on social media platforms in a bid ...

Banda Islands have the potential to become cultural heritage: ministry

The Banda Islands, Central Maluku district, Maluku province, have the potential to gain the cultural heritage area ...

Archeology Day celebrated with cleaning of Borobudur Temple

National Archeology Day or Hari Purbakala, which is commemorated every June 14, was celebrated on Tuesday by the staff ...

Sacred forests positively impact conservation efforts: BRIN

The designation of sacred forests by local communities is a good example of local wisdom practice that has positive ...

National film industry improving after pandemic: ministry

The national film and documentary industry, which struggled to overcome the pandemic’s impact for a while, has ...