#data breach

Collection of data breach news, found 43 news.

Police name one suspect in government data breach

The Indonesian Police have named one suspect in the case involving the hacking of government data by a hacker going by ...

News Focus

PDP Bill ratification urged amid rising reports of data breach

- were reported to be breached. The leaked data included customers' names, emails, NIKs, and internet usage ...

Ratify PDP Bill promptly to stoke economic recovery: CIPS

The Center for Indonesia Policy Studies (CIPS) has called for the immediate ratification of the Personal Data ...

Legislator highlights three steps to address patients' data leak

Deputy speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Muhaimin Iskandar underscored three steps to address the ...

Health Ministry probes alleged leak of six million patients' data

The Indonesian Health Ministry confirmed it was investigating the incident of data breach of millions of patients on ...

Vaccinations opportunity for improving Indonesia's population data: FI

Executive Director of Filantropi Indonesia (FI) Hamid Abidin has urged the government to use the COVID-19 ...

Jokowi highlights lingering issue of low accuracy in government data

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) identified that the accuracy of government data remained substantially low, while ...

Legislator calls for good cyber security to protect citizens' data

Indonesia must have good cyber security as the alleged data leakage of 279 million Indonesians is a warning for the ...

MPR chairman urges government to probe alleged population data breach

Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Bambang Soesatyo called on relevant agencies to investigate ...

Cyber Intelligence House and INTERPOL sign contribution agreement intended to aid in investigating cybercrime

Under the agreement, Cyber Intelligence House (CIH) will be responsible for providing INTERPOL with resources and ...

Govt, parliament should complete deliberation on PDP Bill: MPR Chief

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Chairman Bambang Soesatyo urged Joko Widodo's government and House of ...

Tokopedia notifies authorities of third party over data breach

Indonesian e-commerce platform Tokopedia reported to the authorities about a third party in connection with the alleged ...

Government should ensure cybersecurity system immediately updated: DPR

Member of the House of Representatives' (DPR's) Commission I, Sukamta, called on the government to ascertain ...

Ministry still tracing cause of Indonesia's COVID-19 patient data leak

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) currently continues to trace the reason behind the alleged ...

National Data Center expected to be established this year

The National Data Center that will integrate government data with a multi-layered security system is expected to be ...