Indonesian Consul General in Kuching Yonny Tri Prayitno confirmed the consulate offered legal and repatriation ...
Riau Provincial Police shot an ex-police officer while conducting a drug search at a house in Pekanbaru on Wednesday ...
The National Police seized 528.55 kilograms (kg) of dried marijuana from four suspected drug traffickers apprehended ...
Indonesia, which has seen drug addiction spiral into a life-threatening problem for millions of people, on Monday ...
A senior member of parliament (MP) questioned the Bandung high court judges' ruling under which six convicted drug ...
Personnel of the Aceh police continue their crackdown on an inter-provincial drug ring in the province, as they ...
Samsul Bahri (39), a former legislator from South Sumatra’s Pidie Jaya district, was nabbed by the National ...
The police is conducting a thorough investigation into the alleged involvement of 12 police officers in a case of drug ...
Indonesia's National Narcotics Agency (BNN) recently foiled the attempts of four drug couriers to transport 53.05 ...
The Kampar Tiger Team of the Riau Regional Police successfully thwarted an attempt to smuggle 20 kilograms of crystal ...
The East Java Customs Office at the Juanda International Airport thwarted an attempt to smuggle 6.045 kilograms of ...
Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi has reiterated that protection of Indonesian nationals overseas will ...
The West Java Police acted promptly to avert an attempt to smuggle crystal methamphetamine transported aboard a truck ...
West Java police have apprehended two drug couriers in two separate raids in Bandung district and Bandung city and ...
A team of the Aceh Police shot dead a member of a crystal methamphetamine smuggling network for evading arrested on Oct ...