
Collection of discourse news, found 352 news.

indonesia urges to intensify cooperation on peaceful use of chemicals

Indonesian Ambassador to the Netherlands I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja, also Indonesia`s permanent representative to the ...

Asia Pacific Maritime 2018 to address present-day issues and chart new paths

The 15th Asia Pacific Maritime (APM), Southeast Asia's most established maritime, workboat and offshore exhibition and ...

Youth should know about nation`s communist past

Indonesias younger generation should know the history of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) insurgence, so that they ...

Improving human resources of Dayak indigenous community

Young people of the Dayak indigenous community should be encouraged to pursue higher education in colleges to improve ...

House cancels plan to build apartment

The House of Representatives (DPR) has finally canceled its plan to build an apartment to be used as residence for the ...

Government still applying moratorium on new building: Kalla

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla has asked the House of Representatives (DPR) to understand that the government ...

Uniting ASEAN through literature

In the opening night of the 4th ASEAN Literary Festival, held in Jakarta on August 3-6, the Culture and Education ...

Preserving local cultural wisdom very important: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that preserving local cultural wisdom is vital to ward off infiltration of foreign ...

President attends Betawi Post-Fasting Festival

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) attended the post-fasting festival of the indigenous Betawi people of Jakarta at Setu ...

Government to revoke Freeport license over failure to build smelter

Indonesias Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry would revoke the concentrate export license for PT Freeport ...

Government`s decision to issue Perppu gets mixed reactions

The governments step to issue a Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) to deal with mass organizations, which ...

Three provinces being assessed to become state capital: President

An assessment of three provinces is being conducted to determine which one deserves to become the state capital of ...

Political parties` funding not linked to election draft law: Minister

Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo clarified that the governments plan to increase the funding for political parties ...

Government committed to relocating Indonesian capital

The Government of Indonesia is determined to relocate the state capital Jakarta out of Java Island to avoid total ...

Indonesian mosque in Tokyo should encourage prosperity of community: VP

Vice President Jusuf Kalla reminded pilgrims of Indonesia Mosque in Meguro, Tokyo, Japan, on the importance of the ...