The National Anti Drug Agency (BNN) said the number of drug users in the country has continued to increase despite ...
The ten- country ASEAN and China will strengthen security agreement by promoting the mechanism of law enforcement ...
Indonesia has highlighted the urgent need to conduct joint military patrols by the ASEAN countries and China to ...
Indonesia will propose an IORA Concord document for the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) countries to be adopted as ...
Indonesian authorities have been grappling with the recent influx of illicit drugs, particularly crystal ...
Indonesian Maritime and Fishery Minister Susi Pudjiastuti visited Moscow, Russia, to explore cooperation in the ...
Indonesian migrant workers abroad, especially women, have become the easy targets of international drug mafias who ...
Chief Commissioner General Anang Iskandar of the National Narcotic Agency (BNN) has warned Indonesian migrant workers ...
The National Narcotic Agency (BNN) will propose cooperation to strengthen maritime interdiction to cut drug ...
The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) said it will promote cooperation with the National Narcotics Control Commission of ...
A non governmental organization called for review of the draft law on alcoholic drinks before it is passed into law. ...
The Philippine government requests Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) for death row convict Mary Jane Veloso, a Philippine ...
The police in South Lampung, Lampung province, shot a drug dealer named Mulharyadi after he resisted arrest and ...
Security in the areas along the border between the Republic of Indonesia (RI) and its neighboring country of Papua New ...
The execution of nine inmates on death row convicted on drug trafficking charges will be carried out this week, ...