#earthquake in

Collection of earthquake in news, found 2.833 news.

Quake of 5.2 magnitude rattles East Java's Malang District

An earthquake of magnitude 5.2 hit Malang District, East Java, on early Saturday, but no tsunami warning was issued, ...

No reported damage despite multiple earthquakes striking E Java: BPBD

The Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) of Malang District confirmed to not having received any reports of ...

Lebak BPBD pegs losses due to natural disasters at US$516,000

The value of losses due to natural disasters has reached around US$516 thousand or Rp7,762 billion, according to the ...

Quake of magnitude 5.0 rattles East Nusa Tenggara

An earthquake of magnitude 5.0 hit East Nusa Tenggara Province on Tuesday night. The epicenter of the earthquake ...

Governor to review activity of Baribis Fault in southern Jakarta

 Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan confirmed here on Saturday that his side will review the activeness of the ...

MER-C to send surgical team to help victims in Afghanistan

The Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C) Indonesia will send a surgical team to provide medical assistance for ...

Indonesia's MER-C to send surgical team to help Afghan quake victims

The Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C) is set to send a surgical team to provide medical assistance to ...

PMI coordinates with Red Crescent to help Afghan quake victims

The Indonesian Red Cross Society (PMI) will coordinate with the humanitarian organization Red Crescent to help victims ...

PSGS calls for earthquake mitigation in Mamuju

The Sulawesi Earthquake Study Center (PSGS) has called for earthquake mitigation to minimize the impact of aftershocks ...

Indonesia pushes strengthening of disaster mitigation post GPDRR

The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture is encouraging the strengthening of disaster mitigation as ...

SAR team evacuates victims of Mamuju floods and landslides

The Search and Rescue office (Basarnas) of Mamuju, West Sulawesi Province, evacuated several residents whose homes were ...

Pacitan authorities monitor effects of Trenggalek earthquake

The Pacitan Disaster Mitigation Agency continued to monitor the effects of 5.2-magnitude earthquake that rattled ...

5.2-magnitude earthquake jolts Trenggalek, no tsunami potential seen

A 5.2-magnitude earthquake that hit the south coast of Trenggalek, East Java, Sunday morning, had no potential to ...

BMKG, JICA collaborate to develop quake, tsunami early warning system

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) is teaming up with Japan International Cooperation Agency ...

Social Ministry sends assistance for earthquake victims in Mamuju

The Social Affairs Ministry has sent hundreds of food packages and mattresses as assistance for the victims of the 5.8 ...