#earthquake resistant house

Collection of earthquake resistant house news, found 11 news.

Cianjur quake relief: 190 more permanent houses nearing completion

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing will complete the construction of 190 more permanent houses for the ...

The importance of improving disaster knowledge management

Indonesia is among 35 countries on the planet, with the highest natural disaster risk potential. During the ...

BNPB urges regional govts to create earthquake-resistant house program

Head of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), Suharyanto, has appealed to regional governments to create a ...

Sumedang: Govt to provide up to Rp60 mln for home repairs

The central government will disburse up to Rp60 million in stimulus funds for the repairs of residents' houses that ...

Ministry prepares program for community working in informal sector

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has prepared an Earthquake Resistant Growing Home Program ...

Cianjur red zone residents should move to provided places: BNPB

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) appealed to people in the red zone of Cianjur, West Java, to move to the ...

Vice president inspects earthquake-resistant houses in Cianjur

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin conducted an inspection of earthquake-resistant houses being constructed in Sirnagalih ...

Year-ender: Government's disaster management efforts in 2022

Nearly all countries in the world have, at some point, experienced a natural disaster, such as an earthquake, flood, or ...

BNPB distributes stimulant fund to 647 families affected by earthquake

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) distributed stimulant funds to 647 families whose houses were damaged by ...

BNPB to build quake-resistant model home in Cianjur next week

An earthquake-resistant house will be built next week in Cianjur District, West Java, which quake survivors can ...

Residents repair damaged houses in Lombok: minister

The reconstruction of houses damaged in the earthquake in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) was not carried out by contractors, ...