#economic justice

Collection of economic justice news, found 36 news.

President lauds ulemas for maintaining spirit of unity

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has lauded the ulemas for maintaining the spirit of togetherness and peace in the ...

RI faces two major challenges: MPR chief

Indonesia is facing two major challenges to win competition in the current era of globalization, Chairman of the ...

RI should follow Malaysia`s economic sharia system: Observer

Indonesia should follow the example of Malaysias Economic Sharia system that has been able to empower medium and ...

Obama says more work needed to achieve ideals from King`s `Dream` speech

The United States is struggling to realize the vision that civil rights leader Martin Luther King described in his ...

S.korea--Japan postpone landmark military pact

South Korea Friday postponed at the last minute the signing of a landmark military agreement with Japan, amid anger in ...

President Yudhoyono attends Rio+20 Conference

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono attended the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development which was officially ...