#economic transformation

Collection of economic transformation news, found 496 news.

Plate, Google Asia-Pacific President discuss digital ecosystem

Indonesian Communication and Informatics Minister Johnny G. Plate met Google Asia-Pacific President Scott Beaumont at ...

Finance Minister targets economy to grow 5.3-5.9 percent in 2023

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati targets Indonesia's economic growth to lie in the range of around 5.3 ...

G20 Indonesia

G20's DEWG forum audiences treated to wayang kulit performance

Indonesian shadow puppet art wayang kulit was showcased to the audiences at the second G20 Digital Economy Working ...

Pursue intense anticipation of global crises: MPR

President Joko Widodo’s instruction to ministers to implement anticipatory measures to address the impact of ...

G20 a chance to gain investor trust: ministry

The G20 Presidency is an opportunity for Indonesia to gain the trust of global investors, head of the Standardization ...

Financial inclusion as RI's economic recovery strategy: Minister

Financial inclusion has become one of the pillars in the nation's economic growth and recovery strategy, ...

G20 Indonesia

RI, Saudi Arabia discuss placement, protection of migrant workers

Indonesia and Saudi Arabia discussed the placement and protection scheme for Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) during a ...

Eye on trade, Indonesia to strengthen digital technology in 2023

Indonesia will bolster digital technology utilization in 2023 to strengthen the domestic trade ecosystem, Economic ...

Ministry creates roadmap to drive economic transformation

A digital roadmap was created by the ministry to drive economic transformation according to the government's 2023 ...

Indonesia eyes reducing poverty rate to 7.5 percent in 2023

The Indonesian Government targets to reduce the poverty rate to 7.5 percent, from 8.5 percent in 2023 by increasing ...

G20: Indonesia seeks to provide benefits to developing countries

Indonesia's G20 Presidency is seeking to provide benefits to developed and developing countries in the midst of the ...

News Focus

Encouraging sustainable investment through G20

Indonesia's G20 Presidency seems to present the right opportunity to massively promote the sustainability trend; a ...

G20 Indonesia

Indonesia pushes health agenda at G20

Amid World Health Day celebrations on April 7, Indonesia called for making health issues a priority agenda at the ...

COVID-19 daily cases decline to 97 percent from peak: Minister

COVID-19 daily cases have currently sharply decreased to 97 percent as compared to the Omicron variant case peak ...

Ministry cooperates with university to empower rural communities

The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration cooperated with Sepuluh Nopember ...