Indonesia will benefit much from the current economic crisis in the US and Europe because the turmoil there will make ...
An economist said Indonesia needs to grow minimally nine percent in 2015. A growth of 6.5 percent would not as ...
Despite President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono`s efforts over the past two years to increase the state budget allocation ...
The recent strengthening of the rupiah against the US dollar is considered timely for Bank Indonesia (Central Bank) to ...
The global economy is still shaky having just begun to recover from the 2008 global recession, and yet the world is ...
Economist Guntur S. Siboro predicted here on Tuesday that the current financial crisis in the US and Europe would ...
The prolonged global financial crisis and the fall of Indonesia`s composite index early this week have prompted ...
Increased budget on infrastructure is expected to be absorbed effectively to remove the bottlenecks in the ...
Gajadmada University economist Sri Adiningsih said here on Wednesday she believed the Indonesian economy may indeed ...
Spanish and Italian government bonds rose for a third straight day, cutting the extra yield investors demand to hold ...
Economist of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Latif Adam predicted that inflation this year would peak in ...
A senior Pakistani economist on Saturday said that US debt crisis may lead the country to bankruptcy. Talking to ...
The Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) posture is considered as having no leadership economic politically which ...
A military affairs analyst said , in the face of future challenges in the defense field, Indonesia should take heed of ...
Foreign minister Mohammed al-Orabi resigned as Prime Minister Essam Sharaf appointed two deputies in the first steps ...