
Collection of evacuated news, found 1.550 news.

Five RI students from Libya reenrolled at Padjadjaran University

At least five Indonesian college students who were evacuated from Libya have chosen to continue their studies at West ...

Riot on Tiaka Island claims one life

Police shot dead a rioter, injured three and arrested 19 others when an angry mob vandalized the office building, ...

Tiaka riot`s cause still unknown : Police

Police still don`t know what had triggered Monday`s riot in which an angry mob tried to destroy the offices and other ...

Residents evacuated from Tiaka Island

Police evacuated residents from Tiaka Island on Monday following rioting in which angry mobs tried to destroy an oil ...

Japan jolted by strong 6.3 quake

Disaster-weary Japan was rattled on Friday by another strong seabed quake with a magnitude of 6.3, which triggered a ...

Mt Lokon in N Sulawesi erupts again

Mount Lokon in North Sulawesi Province once again erupted at 1.25 pm local time and spewed volcanic ashes. "The ...

Ahmadiyah security chief sentenced to six months in jail

A security chief of the Jemaah Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI), Deden Sudjana, was sentenced to six months in jail in ...

Taliban attack on Afghan governor`s house kills 22

A gun and suicide attack on an Afghan governor`s compound killed 22 people on Sunday in the latest Taliban assault ...

Tourists evacuated as colosseum hit by bomb scare

A fake bomb caused police to evacuate hundreds of tourists on Sunday from the Colosseum, Rome`s most famous monument. ...

No Military Operations In Papua : Army Chief

The Indonesian army said here on Thursday that it had launched no military action in reaction to recent attacks and ...

At least two dead as Yemen army, tribes clash

At least two tribesmen were killed and three wounded in fierce clashes with the Yemeni army on Monday near the ...

Students injured in grizzly attack in Alaska

A grizzly bear attacked seven students on a backpacking course in a remote area of Alaska, injuring four including one ...

Hundreds evacuated after China quake: state media

Hundreds of people have been forced to evacuate after a shallow earthquake damaged their homes in the far western ...

Mt Lokon`s status lowered

The status of Mount Lokon here has been lowered to the third or alert from previously the fourth or watchful level. ...

`Qaeda` suicide bomber in pickup kills 9 Yemeni troops

A suicide bomber Sunday detonated a truck packed with explosives at an army camp in Aden, killing nine soldiers, a ...