
Collection of exit news, found 563 news.

French foreign minister to resign on Sunday: minister

Beleaguered French Foreign Minister Michele Alliot-Marie will on Sunday tender her resignation after returning from an ...

Gaza celebrates Mubarak exit; Hamas demands change

Palestinians in Gaza let off  fireworks and shot into the air to celebrate the resignation of  Egyptian ...

Saudi Arabia repatriates 1,922 Indonesians

The Saudi Immigration Directorate for Foreigners through the Jidda Deportation Office has repatriated 1,922 ...

Obama discusses Egypt with foreign leaders

US President Barack Obama spoke Saturday to several foreign leaders about the unrest in Egypt, highlighting the need ...

Iran`s parliament backs Egypt "revolution"

Iran`s Majlis (Parliament) has thrown its weight behind the "revolution in Egypt" as protesters continue to force ...

Million Egyptians clamour for Mubarak to go

At least one million people rallied across Egypt on Tuesday clamouring for President Hosni Mubarak to give up ...

Sudan army bombs Darfur, threatens peacekeepers

Sudan`s army bombed rebel positions in Darfur and later surrounded and threatened to burn down a refugee camp and ...

IAEA review finds UAE nuclear power programme progressing well

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) concluded today an eight-day mission in Abu Dhabi that reviewed the ...