
Collection of extinction news, found 250 news.

Indonesia promotes sustainable palm oil in Norway

Indonesian Ambassador to Oslo Todung Mulya Lubis and Managing Director of Sustainability & Strategic Golden Agri ...

News Feature - Optimizing sago to achieve food security

Sago has been a staple food in numerous parts of Indonesia for centuries, and for its importance, sago is also known ...

Bio bridge initiative feared to be abandoned on PLTA project

The initiative to develop bio bridges for the habitats of Orang utans, Pongo tapanuliensis,in Tapanuli Selatan, North ...

News focus - Bali zoo enlivens independence day anniversary

Recognized by the Indonesian government as the best conservation institution in the country, the Bali Zoo, on the ...

Indonesia, Malaysia collaborate for conservation of Sumatran Rhinoceros

Indonesia and Malaysia are collaborating to conserve the Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis), a joint ...

Killing of Aceh elephant is an organized crime: Environment Ministry

The Environmental Affairs and Forestry Ministry views the killing of a domesticated elephant in the Serbajadi ...

LIPI holds wildlife, wild plants survey training

The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) offered training on survey methods for wild plants and wildlife on May ...

Population of Sumatran tigers reaches 400

The population of Sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae) reaches 400 across Sumatran forests, according to the ...

Limitation of tourist visits to prevent komodo extinction

Komodo National Park is still awaiting the results of a study on the carrying capacity for the limitation of the ...

Trawl fishermen to get debt restructuring

The government is encouraging trawl fishermen to switch to using environment-friendly fishing gears in an effort to ...

Deforestation threatens orangutan population

Environmental crimes such as illegal logging and conversion of rain forests into oil palm plantations are putting ...

Sumatran tiger in danger of extinction

The poaching of Sumatran tigers (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) for trading remains a serious threat to the survival of the ...

Komodo dragon population reaches 3,012 in Komodo National Park

The population of Komodo dragons in the Komodo National Park has reached 3,012 heads in 2017, according to Sudiyono, ...

President asks universities to respond to technological development

President Joko Widodo expressed hope for universities to have rapid responses towards any technological developments ...

Bali Zoo hosts sumatran tigers

The Bali Zoo on the Indonesian island resort of Bali is currently hosting two sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris ...