#financial services

Collection of financial services news, found 1.388 news.

BPJS Kesehatan cooperates with BSI to facilitate subscription access

State-owned Healthcare and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan) cooperates with Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) to ...

Minister presses for improving women's access to financial services

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati strongly believes that women's access to financial products and services ...

High likelihood of Indonesia achieving 5.2-pct growth target: Indef

Macroeconomic and financial researcher at the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef) Riza Annisa ...

FICO insights: More than 3 in 5 Indonesian SMEs could ditch traditional banks in 2022

FICO (NYSE: FICO) Highlights Impact of COVID-19 on SMEs:  • 67 percent of Indonesia’s SMEs expect to take up ...

News Focus

Importance of digital financial literacy for young people through G20

Indonesian G20 Presidency spokesperson, Maudy Ayunda, said Indonesia encouraged data to support digital financial ...

Personetics launches sustainability insights, a next-generation solution for banks to help customers reduce their carbon footprint

Personetics, the leading global provider of financial data-driven personalization, customer engagement, and advanced ...

IKN funding could reach up to Rp30 trillion in 2023: ministry

The fund allocation for the new capital city (IKN), Nusantara, could reach Rp27 trillion to Rp30 trillion, the Ministry ...

Financial institutions should offer product specifically for women

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati appealed to financial institutions to come up with a special product or service ...

MPR lauds OJK for offering financial counseling to prevent fraud

Deputy speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly Syarief Hasan has lauded the efforts made by the ...

Public participation needed to stamp put illegal investments: OJK

Public participation is necessary to eradicate illegal investments through early detection, head of the Financial ...

Economic growth to decline to 4.6 percent in 2022: MPR

The combined impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia-Ukraine war, called "Crisis Upon Crisis," could cause ...

West Sumatra should increase attractive events to draw tourists: VP

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin stated that West Sumatra Province should increase the number of interesting events and ...

Gernas BBI can support economic revival in West Sumatra: Governor

West Sumatra Governor Mahyeldi assessed that the Proud of Indonesian Products National Movement (Gernas BBI) is one of ...

House speaker to chair approval meeting for sexual violence bill

Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Puan Maharani on Tuesday morning will chair a plenary session to ...

ASEAN nations push for financial stability, integration at AFMGM

ASEAN nations agreed to utilize the economic recovery momentum to push for financial stability and integration during ...